
class gaiaunlimited.selectionfunctions.DR3SelectionFunctionTCG(mode='hpx7', coord=None, radius=None, min_points=20)#

Bases: DownloadMixin

Model of the Gaia DR3 survey selection function calibrated on DECaPS.

Available in three flavours:

  • mode = ‘hpx7’ (default) Uses a map precomputed in healpix regions of order 7.

  • mode=’multi’ Uses a precomputed map of variable resolution, with healpixels as small as order 10, provided they contain at least 20 sources.

  • mode=’patch’ The field of view is a circular patch of radius ‘radius’ centered on (ra,dec). The spatial resolution will vary across the field of view, from healpix order 6 to 12, enforcing that bins must contain at least min_points sources (default 20). A low number makes the map more detailed but also noisier.


mode – ‘hpx7’ or ‘multi’ or ‘patch’ (defaults to ‘hpx7’)

In ‘patch’ mode only:

ra: right ascension of centre of field of view, in degrees dec: declination of centre of field of view, in degrees size: width/height of the square field of view, in degrees min_points: minimum number of sources used to compute the map

If you use this model in a publication please cite:

       author = {{Cantat-Gaudin}, Tristan and {Fouesneau}, Morgan and {Rix}, Hans-Walter and {Brown}, Anthony G.~A. and {Castro-Ginard}, Alfred and {Kostrzewa-Rutkowska}, Zuzanna and {Drimmel}, Ronald and {Hogg}, David W. and {Casey}, Andrew R. and {Khanna}, Shourya and {Oh}, Semyeong and {Price-Whelan}, Adrian M. and {Belokurov}, Vasily and {Saydjari}, Andrew K. and {Green}, G.},
        title = "{An empirical model of the Gaia DR3 selection function}",
      journal = {ap},
     keywords = {astrometry, catalogs, methods: data analysis, methods: statistical, Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies, Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics},
         year = 2023,
        month = jan,
       volume = {669},
          eid = {A55},
        pages = {A55},
          doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/202244784},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
       eprint = {2208.09335},
 primaryClass = {astro-ph.GA},
       adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023A&A...669A..55C},
      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

query(coords, gmag)

Query the selection function.

Attributes Documentation

datafiles = {'allsky_M10_hpx7.hdf5': 'https://zenodo.org/record/8063930/files/allsky_M10_hpx7.hdf5', 'allsky_uniq_10.fits': 'https://zenodo.org/record/8063930/files/allsky_uniq_10.fits'}#

Methods Documentation

query(coords, gmag)#

Query the selection function.

  • coords – sky coordinates as an astropy coordinates instance.

  • gmag (float or array) – G magnitudes. Should have the same shape as coords.


array of selection probabilities.

Return type:
